Religion and Literature

The Hollow Christians Of End Times Fiction, Part 3 (Paul Maltby)

The following is the third of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. A Non-Sacramental Nature End Times fiction must be distinguished from other literary genres by its conspicuous absence of local color, its lifeless mise-en-scène and, in particular, writing that relays no vivid impression of the natural world. The relevance […]

Religion and Literature

The Hollow Christians Of End Times Fiction, Part 1 (Paul Maltby)

The following is the first of a three-part series. A flaw at the heart of End Times fiction gravely weakens its credibility as Christian literature. Its stock characters lack the degree of interiority required for convincing narratives of encounters with the transcendent. The formulaic style of characterization eviscerates Christian experience. This deficiency is especially evident […]