JCRT 2.1 Winter 2000 Homepage  1  ArchivesSearch   Blog
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Religion and Psychoanalysis: Three Fundamental Concepts
By Julia Reinhard Lupton,
University of California at Irvine.

1: Creation: Lacan in Kansas
By Richard Halpern,
University of California Berkeley.

2: Revelation: Lacan and the Ten Commandments.
By Kenneth Reinhard,
University of California Los Angeles,
and Julia Reinhard Lupton,
University of California at Irvine.


Art Exhibit.
By Christopher M. Taylor,
Ohio State University.

Nation as University; or the School We Never Leave.
By Mike Sugimoto,
University of Puget Sound.

Rosenzweig as Postcritical Jewish Philosopher.
By Peter Ochs,
University of Virginia.

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1999-2008 Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory.
e-ISSN: 1530-5228
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