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Vol. 9, no. 3 - Fall 2008
 New from JCRT
 Special Review Edition

Two Reviews: MacIntyre's The Tasks of Philosophy and Ethics and Politics
Eric Bain-Selbo

Few books have shaped the contemporary conversation in moral philosophy quite like Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory (first edition, 1980)....

Money and Credit, Theologically Speaking
Clayton Crockett

Philip Goodchild is the most constructive and original philosopher of religion in the UK, and his Theology of Money succeeds and builds upon the themes opened up by his...

A Review of Simon Critchley's Infinitely Demanding: Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance
Nathan Hilberg

Critchley orients his treatment of ethics in a way that is fresh and largely avoids academic sterility.  He writes, “What is required…is a conception of ethics that begins by….

A Review of David Sloan Wilson's Evolution for Everyone and Darwin's Cathedral
John Hinshaw

It will not come as a shock that Americans are deeply divided about evolution.  Attacks by the religious right on science are constant and intense.  If you are looking for a scientific culture warrior to do battle with the Rush...

 A Review of Timothy Fitzgerald's Discourse on Civility and Barbarity
Craig Martin

Timothy Fitzgerald’s Discourse on Civility and Barbarity resumes the argument he began in The Ideology of Religious Studies: discourses on “religion”…


A Review of Religion: Beyond a Concept
Matthew T. Powell

The first in a proposed five volume collection entitled, The Future of the Religious Past: Elements and Forms for the Twenty-First Century, this prodigious text offers a wealth of material on the purposefully broad topic of “religion.” 


Postmodernism and Orientalism: French Philosophy as the Latest Mirror of Our (Occidental) Selves
Carl Raschke

 Ever since Edward Said published his landmark Orientalism in 1978, the phrase has served as a hot button for pressing forward unfavorable opinions about certain Western…

A Review of Secularisms
Jonathan Seitz

The title provides the basic thesis of this book: there is not one universal or normative secularization process, but rather a diverse range of discordant secularisms. 

A Review of Randall Stephens' The Fire Spreads
Stephen Shoemaker

"Location, location, location” is the old adage in real estate, and Randall J. Stephens has astutely applied this principle in his investigation of American holiness and pentecostal religion. 

The Theatre of Production: Philosophy and Individuation Between Kant and Deleuze
Anthony Paul Smith

Alberto Toscano first became known as the translator of many books by Alain Badiou and for his work as an editor of the journal Pli out of the University of Warwick.

Review: Jesus, Trauma & Psychoanalytic Technique
Adam S. Miller

 By jointly reviewing Bruce Fink’s Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique together with Marcus Pound’s Theology, Psychoanalysis, Trauma, my aim is to ask what Lacanian…

A Liberal Post-Mortem? Or, the Impossibility of Radical Liberalism
Jeffrey W. Robbins

In his review essay from the Winter 2008 issue of this journal, Carl Raschke examines Mark Lilla’s The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics, and the Modern West.  Raschke calls the work…


Death of God Reprise: Altizer, Taylor, Vattimo, Caputo, Vahanian
Lissa McCullough

These recent titles by a few seasoned cultural critics analyzing what the death of God continues to mean for theology, religion, faith, culture, and life in general, are significant for the common ground they share...

 Book Profiles

 Book Profile: Lacan and the Limits of Language, by Charles Shepherdson
Melissa Conroy

Lacan and the Limits of Language is the latest work from Charles Shepherdson, one of the foremost readers of Lacan's work.  As scholars acquainted with Lacan's work will agree, understanding Lacan is…




 Book Profile: God After Metaphysics: A Theological Aesthetic, by John Manoussakis
Wilson Dickinson

The stated guiding question of Manoussakis’s highly original essay—“How can we think of God after metaphysics?”—should not be heard in the cognitive or rationalistic tone that one often associates with these...

Book Profile: The Parables of Dr. Seuss, By Robert Short
Michael J. Gilmour

What an interesting idea for a book! It is not often that one comes across a study of the writings and illustrations of Theodor Seuss Geisel, particularly one focusing on its religious overtones. Robert L. Short’s study of selected Dr….

 Book Profile: Against War: Views from the Underside of Modernity, by Nelson Maldonado-Torres
Mark Kjellman

In Against War, Nelson Maldonado-Torres develops a polemic against the Eurocentric bias in modern philosophy that is tied to “a peculiar death ethic that renders massacre and different forms of genocide as natural” (xi).  Drawing...,


Book Profile: The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken: The New Politics of Religion in the United States, Jeffrey Robbins and Neal Magee, eds.
Aaron Klink

Books on religion and American politics have proliferated during the second Bush administration. Among the more high profile have been Chris Hedges’, American Fascists and Randal Balmer’s...

Big Heroes in Tight Spaces
A. David Lewis

 There are three reasons why modern audiences make superhero films into blockbuster box office successes, claims Baylor University English Professor and The Gospel According to Hollywood writer Greg Garrett…

Book Profile: Thumpin' It: The Use and Abuse of the Bible in Today's Presidential Politics, by Jacques Berlinerblau
Nathaniel Morehouse

Jacques Berlinerblau’s timely book explores the way in which politics uses and exploits the Bible’s “raw power.” This conversational text is an interesting mix of American history, presidential history, criticism of biblical interpretation...

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