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Vol. 10, no. 2 - Spring 2010
New from JCRT

 JCRT Special Edition:
H.D. and the Archaeology of Religion

 H.D. and the Archaeology of Religion
Colbey Reid, York College of Pennsylvania

The modernist poet Hilda Doolittle, dubbed “H.D.” by Ezra Pound, is somewhat of an archaeological artifact herself. Susan Stanford Friedman framed her... .



Robert Duncan Notebook Scans:
Scan 1
Scan 2

Accurate Mystery: Robert Duncan's H.D. Bibliography Critically Annotated
Amy Evans, Kings College, London

Transcription Notes
Amy Evans, Kings College, London

The Anthropologic Eye: H.D.'s Call for a New Poetics
Lisa Simon, University of Missoula, Montana

The depictions of ancient artifacts in H.D.’s poems have long been a signal of her interest in Hellenism, yet her engagement with antiquity exceeds the classical allusions to mythic characters common among...

"Tear Us An Altar": Erotic Violence, and the Self-Unmade Prophet
Shannon McRae, SUNY, Fredonia

The correlation between dangerous passion, artistic inspiration, and religious gnosis has long been established in poetic tradition. The condition of poetry, according to Plato...

"An Unusual Way to Think": Trilogy's Oracular Poetics
Erin M. McNellis, University of California, Irvine

Written in the aftermath of the World War II bombing of London, the first book of what would become H.D.’s Trilogy1 opens with an image that juxtaposes the ruins of her beloved city...

"There Have Been Pictures Here": Spirit Photography and
Projective Mediumship in
Tribute to Freud
Amaranth Borsuk, University of Southern California

Written in October and November of 1944, Tribute to Freud chronicles the analysis H.D. underwent with Sigmund Freud a decade earlier in order to prepare herself for the onslaught of war...

Symptom or Inspiration? H.D., Freud, and the Question of Vision
Merrill Cole, Western Illinois University

In 1934, the same year he concluded H.D.’s training analysis, Sigmund Freud began work on his final major study, Moses and Monotheism, a speculative reconstruction of ancient Near Eastern history.... 

Vision, Paranoia, and the Creative Power of Obsessive Interpretation
Aaron Bibb, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The concept of parataxis is a familiar one in the study of H. D.’s poetry.1 H. D.’s immediate and stark juxtapositions of images and phrases, especially prominent in her early poetry, require her reader to attempt...

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