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Vol. 11, no. 1 - Winter 2010
JCRT Special Edition:
              Michel Foucault and St. Paul

                                                                                          Guest Editors:
                                                               Valerie Nicolet Anderson and Sophie Fuggle

The Pauline Ellipsis in Foucault's Genealogy of Christianity
Matthew Chrulew, Macquarie University

Paul occupies a curious position in Michel Foucault�s genealogy of
Christianity. Though focused at first on the archaeology of modernity,
Foucault�s history of the present eventually...

Faith, Grace, and the Destrution of Tradition: A Hermeneutic-Genealogical Reading of the Pauline Letters
Hans Ruin, Sodertorn University College, Stockholm

In his letter to the Christian community in Rome, Paul describes himself as the
messenger and the bringer of a happy message, as apostle and evangelist...

Arne De Boever, California Institute of the Arts

After the September 11 terror attacks, religion has reappeared in politics in an
unprecedented (for modern times, and even for postmodern times) way.
Following Carl Schmitt�s famous thesis that �all...

"Reappearance of Paul, 'Sick'": Foucault's Biopolitics and the Political Significance of Pasolini's Apostle
Ward Blanton, University of Glasgow

It is worth reflecting on why much of what now fits under the more general heading of the �turn to religion� in philosophy and critical theory may...

Meeting at the Crossroads: Mapping Worlds and
World Literatures

37th Southern Comparative Literature Association
September 29 - October 1, 2011

Call for papers

All Things to All People: Unravelling the Structure of the Apostolic Panopitcon
David R. Glowacki, University of Bristol

One of Foucault�s primary research themes was investigating how power
arises. Following his genealogical analyses, he argued that classical forms
of power originated with a sovereign...

On the Pauline Roots of Biopolitics: Apostle Paul in Company with Foucault and Agamben
Mike Ojakangas, University of Jyvaskyla

Michel Foucault�s analyses on the Christian form and organization of
life focus on the theme of the shepherd (pasteur): �What was only...
Postmodernism, Culture and Religion 4
The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion-
Syracuse University

April 7-9, 2011

The Violence of Care: An Analysis of Foucault's Pastor
Christopher Mayes, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine,
University of Sydney

Michel Foucault begins his 1977-1978 lecture series�Security, Territory,
Population�by stating that he will investigate the vague concept of
biopower introduced...

Becoming a Subject: The Case of Michel Foucault and Paul
Valerie Nicolet Anderson, Emory University

The relationship between Paul and Michel Foucault is an uneasy one at best
(some would say it is non-existent). I am not the first one to notice Paul�s
absence from Foucault�s...

The Report of 1 Corinthians 5 in Critical Discourse with Foucault
Ronald Charles, University of Toronto

The different views within the Corinthian church concerning marriage, the
eating of consecrated meat, the proper practices of the Eucharist, and their
dissimilar ways of relating...
On the Persistence of Cynic Motifs
Sophie Fuggle, King's College, London

At the end of Christopher Nolan�s Dark Knight (2008), Batman learns what
it means to be a superhero. It is not the unwavering respect and
reverence of the people...

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