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Vol. 11, no. 3 - Fall 2011
Minimal Difference with Maximal Import: "Deep Pragmatism"
 and Global Religion: An Interview with Hent de Vries

Hent de Vries, Johns Hopkins University
Victor E. Taylor, Executive Editor of the JCRT

Hent de Vries is Director of the Humanities Center at The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Since 2002, he has held a joint appointment as Professor in the Humanities Center and the Department of...

Reading With Drew M. Dalton: A Constructive Review
Symposium on Longing for the Other: Levinas and

Metaphysical Desire

J. Aaron Simmons, Furman University

Most book reviews are critical assessments of the claims made by the author of the book under consideration. Usually, then, a review symposium is structured as a series of reviews that are followed by a response...

The Vaccination of the Infinite: Levinas' Metaphysical
Desire and

the Call of the Other
Drew M. Dalton, Florida Southern College

Longing for the Other: Levinas and Metaphysical Desire (Duquesne University Press, 2009) began with a rather simple question of what to make of that unusual claim which plays such a central role in Levinas'...

Desire as Disruption
Kris Sealey, Fairfield University

Drew Dalton's analysis in Longing for the Other does the much needed work of situating Levinas alongside other figures in the canon of Western philosophy. In so doing, he raises the kinds of questions through...
In Whom, Then, Do We Put Our Trust?
J. Aaron Simmons, Furman University

Drew Dalton's Longing for the Other is an impressive book due to its being analytically rigorous, philosophically fecund, and historically sensitive. Motivated by Dalton's book, in what follows, I will engage in something of a...

Call for Papers
Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman
An edited anthology exploring the disciplinary intersections of technological mediation, design, and the posthuman.
Click here for the CFP.

   Discourses of the Stranger 

DISCOURSES OF THE STRANGER is a multi-issue "mini-series" on the formation of the "stranger" in philosophy, religion, literature, and art.  The essays, published in this edition and those that are forthcoming, address the various ways in which the "stranger," as a figure, concept, or as a problem, shape our possibilities for understanding issues relating to subjectivity, ethics, politics, identity, and difference. Strange Animal
Lissa McCullough, Los Angeles

Derrida offers himself up to an extraordinary auto-deconstruction in his 2006 essay The Animal That Therefore I Am, one that would quietly exercise its indelible impact on us all. Each one of us, our entire human...
The Figure of the Stranger: A Possibility for Transcendental
Minimalism or Radical Subjectivity

Katerina Kolozova, University American College, Skopje

The question I would like to explore here is: What could the figure of the "Stranger" mean in the contemporary debate on subjectivity, humanism, and its radicalizations in the forms of post-humanism, trans-humanism...

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