
Re-Envisioning Religious Studies As A Global Discipline – A Pre-AAR Symposium

When?  Nov. 15-16 Where?  University of Denver, Sturm Hall 266. Map Register here.   Registration is free, but limited to a maximum of 80 people. List of hotels that offer a discount for guests attending events at the University of Denver.  Just ask for the “DU Rate”. The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory and the Department of Religious […]


NOTATIONS – The “Unacculturable” – Refugee Flux Spurs Crisis of European Belief

Notations is a feature of the JCRT’s Religious Theory weblog.  From time to time we solicit pieces from contributors who are on the scene and able to theorize from the actual site of major world events.  This week we publish a series of contributions from observers and scholars who have witnessed first-hand the European refugee crisis. […]


NOTATIONS – Agamben’s Homo Sacer, Refugees, and the Crisis of European Values

Notations is a feature of the JCRT’s Religious Theory weblog.  From time to time we solicit pieces from contributors who are on the scene and able to theorize from the actual site of major world events.  This week we publish a series of contributions from observers and scholars who have witnessed first-hand the European refugee crisis. […]