The following is the second of a three-part series.The first can be found here, the second here. In sum, Boff proposes that a person is an indivisible body-soul unity who exists in dialogical relations and can transcendence social limitations by loving the socially inferior. Martin Buber’s philosophy of dialogue also emphasizes the capacity to love. Love […]
Tag: Martin Buber
Tsimtsum In Life Of Pi, Part 3 (Daniel Reiser)
The following is the third of a four-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. Beyond the question of metaphor and reality, the greatest difference between Pi’s two stories is in his attitudes towards the situation in which he finds himself. God’s name is invoked again and again in the first story. Pi […]
God As Person and Trinity, Lecture 7 (Johannes Zachhuber)
The following is the seventh lecture in an eight-lecture series. The most recent one can be found here. The possibility that God is person has often been denied. It has been pointed out that the concept of person in order to make sense to us needs limitations which we wouldn’t not willingly ascribe to God. […]