Philosophy of Religion

The Religious Significance Of Miracles – Why Hume’s Critique Is Superfluous, Part 3 (Alberto Urquidez)

The Sense of “miracle” That Matters Surprisingly few commentators have advanced this basic criticism against Hume’s argument. One glaring exception is the Wittgensteinian philosopher of religion, D. Z. Phillips.[1] In The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, Phillips puts things this way: “In the case of certain miracles, it is a necessary condition […]

Philosophy of Religion

The Religious Significance Of Miracles – Why Hume’s Critique Is Superfluous, Part 1 (Alberto Urquidez)

The following is the first of a three-part series. The argument from miracles seeks to prove that a religious deity (such as God) exists on the premise that only God could have caused a miracle to occur. David Hume’s “Of Miracles” has proven to be the most important philosophical essay on this argument. In his […]