The following is the third of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. Derrida’s suspicion of and discomfort with the seemingly politically-motivated dogmatism that we see guiding Heidegger’s understanding of spirit leads us into the common interpretations of Derrida’s religious thinking as being about a sort of theological indiscretion, an […]
Month: February 2022
Geschlecht III – Authentic Faith, Religion, And Politics In Derrida’s Readings of Heidegger’s “Geist”, Part 2 (Jake Sirota)
The following is the second of a three-part series. The first can be found here. At this point Derrida’s appraisal of Heidegger’s Introduction to Metaphysics becomes crucial, for if, as Derrida says, “the Address relaunches and confirms the essential elements of Sein und Zeit, so the Einführung [Intr. to Meta.] repeats the invocation of spirit […]
Geschlecht III – Authentic Faith, Religion, And Politics In Derrida’s Readings of Heidegger’s “Geist”, Part 1 (Jake Sirota)
The following is published in three installments. Jacques Derrida’s prolonged and intimate proximity to the thought of Martin Heidegger has played a significant role in the understanding and debate of Derrida’s religious inflections and in the theorizing of the relationship between deconstruction, religion, and politics in general. This proximity becomes particularly clear in the treatment […]