
Inventing Afterlives – Review (Camille Grace Leon Angelo)

Janes, Regina M. Inventing Afterlives: The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Life After Death. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2018. 384 pages. ISBN: 9780231185714. Why do we form beliefs about the afterlife? What cultural work do these beliefs perform? In her beautifully written, learned book, Inventing Afterlives, Regina Janes proposes answers to these questions. […]

Psychology of Religion Theology

Religion And Mental Health – The Therapuetic Value Of The Teachings of Jesus, Part 2 (Thomas Roberts and Delbert Hayden)

The following is the second part in a two-part installment. You can find the first part here.  Maintaining a State of Hope and Taking a Transcendent Perspective about Human Worries One indicator of mental health is the ability to maintain a state of hope in the face of life’s struggles. Some researchers have concluded that […]


Re-Envisioning Religious Studies As A Global Discipline – A Pre-AAR Symposium

When?  Nov. 15-16 Where?  University of Denver, Sturm Hall 266. Map Register here.   Registration is free, but limited to a maximum of 80 people. List of hotels that offer a discount for guests attending events at the University of Denver.  Just ask for the “DU Rate”. The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory and the Department of Religious […]