The following is the second installment of a two-part series. The first part can be found here. The Place of das Ding. The foregoing has been an effort to inscribe das Ding within a philosophical genealogy that begins with Plato and extends all the way to Kant, Heidegger, and Marion, connecting psychoanalytic discourse with […]
Month: February 2017
Review – Neoliberalsm Is Nowhere – Wendy Brown’s Undoing the Demos (Isaiah Dylan Ellis)
Brown, Wendy. Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution. New York: Zone Books, 2015. ISBN-10: 1935408534. Hardcover. 296 pages. Almost every day since Election Day, 2016, a flood of think-pieces, editorials, and election post-mortems have sung a cacophonous and angry dirge. They scold an inept, divided left, and fume at the masculinist, authoritarian right now empowered and validated. American […]
The Place Of Das Ding – Psychoanalysis, Phenomenology, Religion, Part 1 (John Panteleimon Manoussakis)
The following article is the first installment of a two-part series. The second installment can be found here. I. Introduction. “One, two, three, but where is the fourth?” I was reminded of this question while reading Prof. Brian Becker’s paper “Flight from the Flesh” as he attempts to translate Freud’s topological tri-partition of […]
Philosophy As Interdisciplinary Intensity – An Interview With Giorgio Agamben (Antonio Gnolio/Ido Govrin)
The following is an interview with the famed Continental philosopher Giorgio Agamben conducted by journalist Antonio Gnolio. Originally published in La Repubblica on May 15, 2016. the interview is translated from the Italian by Ido Govrin, whose bio is given at the end. It is translated with permission of La Repubblica. “I believe in the link […]
Review – Badiou Is Not Afraid of The Dark (Mason Davis)
Badiou, Alain. Black: The Brilliance of a Non-Color. Translated by Susan Spitzer. New Jersey: Polity, 2016. ISBN-10: 1509512071. Hardcover, paperback, e-book. 80 pages. Claire Colebrook calls Alain Badiou’s newest book Black: The Brilliance Of A Non-Color, a “singular and remarkable book.” My initial reaction was similar, though I have always been impressed by Badiou’s eloquence and prose. […]