Philosophy of Religion

Geschlecht III – Authentic Faith, Religion, And Politics In Derrida’s Readings Of Heidegger’s “Geist”, Part 3 (Jake Sirota)

The following is the third of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. Derrida’s suspicion of and discomfort with the seemingly politically-motivated dogmatism that we see guiding Heidegger’s understanding of spirit leads us into the common interpretations of Derrida’s religious thinking as being about a sort of theological indiscretion, an […]

Philosophy of Religion

Geschlecht III – Authentic Faith, Religion, And Politics In Derrida’s Readings of Heidegger’s “Geist”, Part 2 (Jake Sirota)

The following is the second of a three-part series. The first can be found here. At this point Derrida’s appraisal of Heidegger’s Introduction to Metaphysics becomes crucial, for if, as Derrida says, “the Address relaunches and confirms the essential elements of Sein und Zeit, so the Einführung [Intr. to Meta.] repeats the invocation of spirit […]

Philosophy of Religion

Geschlecht III – Authentic Faith, Religion, And Politics In Derrida’s Readings of Heidegger’s “Geist”, Part 1 (Jake Sirota)

The following is published in three installments. Jacques Derrida’s prolonged and intimate proximity to the thought of Martin Heidegger has played a significant role in the understanding and debate of Derrida’s religious inflections and in the theorizing of the relationship between deconstruction, religion, and politics in general. This proximity becomes particularly clear in the treatment […]

Critical Race Theory

Locating The Oceanic In Sylvia Wynter’s “Demonic Ground”, Part 3 (Justine M. Bakker)

The following article will appear next month in the Winter 2021-22 issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. It is published in three installments. The first installment can be found here, the second here. It remains, of course, entirely possible that Wynter was unaware of the link between the demonic and such alternative ontologies although this seems, […]

Critical Race Theory

Locating The Oceanic In Sylvia Wynter’s “Demonic Ground”, Part 2 (Justine M. Bakker)

The following article will appear next month in the Winter 2021-22 issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. It is published in three installments. The first installment can be found here. Demonic Physics Why, I ask again, does Wynter utilize the term “demonic”? This question becomes particularly relevant and necessary when we consider that the […]

Critical Race Theory

Locating The Oceanic in Sylvia Wynter’s “Demonic Ground”, Part 1 (Justine M. Bakker)

The following article will appear next month in the Winter 2021-22 issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. It is published in three installments. As a demonic island, black studies lifts the fog that shrouds the laws of comparison, particularity, and exception to reveal an aquatic outlook ‘far away from the continent of […]

Philosophy of Religion

The Unbroken Middle: Overcoming The Empty Sacrifices Of Modernity With Gillian Rose And Paul, Part 2 (Michael C. Raubach)

The following is the second of a two-part series. The first can be found here Is it not true, though, that many individuals of different races, creeds, and identities do live together in our cities? Against the backdrop of everyday life is there not a true plurality of subjects and ways of being? According to […]

Philosophy of Religion

The Unbroken Middle: Overcoming The Empty Sacrifices Of Modernity With Gillian Rose And Paul, Part 1 (Michael C. Raubach)

The following is the first of a two-part series. In her 1992 masterpiece, The Broken Middle, the philosopher Gillian Rose explored what she saw as a baleful crisis of ethics in modern political discourse playing itself out in the malaise and violence of contemporary urban life. Rose believed the root of this crisis was a […]