
Recovering the Unconscious – A Conference on the Intersection of Psychoanalysis With Politics, Philosophy, and Religion – CFP

Recovering the Unconscious Call for Papers and Presentations A Conference on the Intersection of Psychoanalysis With Politics, Philosophy, and Religion October 21-23, 2016 Denver, Colorado Sponsored by the University of Denver and the Colorado Analytic Forum of the Lacanian Field in Co-operation with the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory __________________________________________________________________ “We are all proletarians”, […]

Author Reflections

Plundering A Theory of Trauma – Confessions of A Novice Author on Lacan and Theology

Nietzsche’s advice to young authors was to never admit error, for our critics will neither give an inch nor forgive our humility in siding against ourselves. The aphorism’s hubris stands in stark contrast to the insecurity all -too-commonly felt when publishing for the first time. Last year, when I published my first book, God Is […]