
Call For Papers – Special Issue On Walter Benjamin And Religion

What does Walter Benjamin’s work suggest about religion and the methods of studying it? This special issue of The Journal for Cultural and Religious Studies (JCRT) offers new perspectives on Benjamin and religion.  Many studies consider Benjamin’s engagement with Judaism.  Others, fewer in number, consider the role of Christianity, usually framed as theology, in his work. A third area […]


From Kant to Hölderlin – Poetry And Religion In The Wake Of Philosophical Aesthetics, Part 1 (Jakob Deibl)

The following is the first installment of a three-part series.  Translated by Philipp Schlögl. Introductory Remarks Friederich Hölderlin’s famous quote “Thus all Religion would be poetic in its essence.” (EaL 239)[1], which is taken from the Fragments of Philosophical Letters (1796/97, EaL 234-239)[2], does not represent a mere rapturous exclamation of the poet who wants to […]