
Review – New Trends In The Theory And Methods For Studying Religion (David Kim)

Kovács, Ábrahám, and James L. Cox, Editors. New Trends and Recurring Issues in the Study of Religion: Context and Overview. Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2014. ISBN-10: 9632368509 Hardcover, e-book. 249 pages. This stimulating volume of ten articles by historians, sociologists and theologians leads readers into the field of “theory and method” for the study of religion. Kovács […]


The Semiotics of the Unconscious in Gilles Deleuze and Roland Barthes, Part 2 (Roger Green)

The following is the second of a two-part series.  The first installment, published on Dec. 19, 2016, can be found here.   In Writing Degree Zero, Barthes suggests disengaging from literary language by creating “a colorless writing, freed from all bondage to a pre-ordained state of language.”[1]  He says “writing at the zero degree is basically […]


The Semiotics of the Unconscious in Gilles Deleuze and Roland Barthes, Part 1 (Roger Green)

The following is the first of a two-part series. In his preface to Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus, Michel Foucault asks the authors’ forgiveness for describing their book as the first book of ethics written in France in a long time.  As the chair of philosophy at the newly founded Centre Expérimental de Vincennes (University of […]

Philosophy Political Theology

Time Emptied And Time Renewed – The Dominion Of Capital And A Theo-Politics Of Contretemps, Part 3 (Daniel Rhodes)

  The following is the third installment of a three-part series.  The link to the first portion can be found here.  The link to the second is here. Time Renewed: A Theo-Politics of Contretemps If the conquest of capital, as a Marxish read suggests, congeals in the subsuming of space, social relations, nature, and even the […]


Time Emptied And Time Renewed – The Dominion Of Capital And A Theo-Politics Of Contretemps, Part 2 (Daniel Rhodes)

The following is the second installment of a three-part series.  The link to the first portion can be found here. As the source of productivity, time rendered as quantifiable and rectilinear not only orders the social and political to accumulation but orients and shapes the human subject to this experience as well. Its disjointed time, […]

Philosophy Political Theology

Time Emptied And Time Renewed – The Dominion Of Capital And A Theo-Politics Of Contretemps, Part 1 (Daniel Rhodes)

The following is the first installment of a three-part series. In his long-awaited interjection into the debates on the future of Marxism after the collapse of Soviet state communism, Jacques Derrida introduces the notion of contretemps.[1] It is a concept that appears amid his call for a New International to bear the legacy of critique […]