The following is the second of a three part-series. The first can be found here. Love is not the opposite of planning; openness is not the opposite of enclosedness. Openness is not the new metaphysical principle that deals out signification among all beings. It does not replace God or Geist or Will or any other […]
Tag: Giorgio Agamben
Critical Conversations – A Conversation With Arthur Bradley On Sovereignty, Part 2
The following is the second part of a transcript of one of our ongoing “Critical Conversations” with distinguished British political philosopher Arthur Bradley. The conversation took place on March 10, 2022. The first part can be found here. The discussion centers around his recent book Unbearable Life: A Genealogy of Political Erasure. Roger Green: Kieryn, you had Stefan on when […]
Critical Conversations – A Conversation With Arthur Bradley On Sovereignty, Part 1
The following is the first part of a transcript of one of our ongoing “Critical Conversations” with distinguished British political philosopher Arthur Bradley. The conversation took place on March 10, 2022.The second part can be found here. The discussion centers around his recent book Unbearable Life: A Genealogy of Political Erasure. Carl Raschke: Hello, welcome to critical conversations I’m […]
Truth And Irony – Beyond Binary Patterns In Theological Reasoning, Part 3 (Florian Klug)
The following is the last of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. It will appear as a full article in the Fall 2021 issue of the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. Michel Foucault traced this connection between truth and existential dimension in his late studies on power and subjectivity by […]
Antinomian Flesh, Part 2 (David Kline)
The following is the second of a three-part series. The first can be found here. The Nomos of Being Human: Body and Flesh The above descriptions of nomos encapsulate general sociological, political, economic, and legal structures of order, distribution, governance, and normativity. While interpretations of nomos drawing from Schmitt, Arendt, Lazzarato, Foucault, and Vatter provide […]
Antinomian Flesh, Part 1 (David Kline)
The following is the first of a three-part series. In this essay I explore the idea of what I call an “antinomian flesh.” Looking to the concept of nomos theorized by sociologists, political and legal theorists, and biopolitical thought, I argue for a broad understanding of nomos encompassing the spheres of religion, politics, law, economy, […]
Review – Three Agambens on Display (S.J. Cowan)
Agamben’s Philosophical Lineage. Edited by Adam Kotsko and Carlo Salzani. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. ISBN-10: 1474423647. Hardcover, Paperback. 352 pages. If for nothing else, 2017 was a good year (at least for the English-speaking world) because we have received a variety of new works of philosophy from Giorgio Agamben. During the last year we have […]
Review—Whither Philosophy of Religion? (Benjamin Steele-Fisher)
Religion and European Philosophy: Key Thinkers from Kant to Zizek. Edited by Philip Goodchild and Hollis Phelps. New York: Routledge, 2017. ISBN 10: 1138188530. Hardcover, Paperback, E-Book. 512 pages. Philosophy of religion, as a sub-discipline within the field of religious studies proper, has been the subject of much contention for some time now. Often accused […]
The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory, And The Tawdry – Media And The Undoing Of The Demos, Part 2 (Carl Raschke)
This article is the second of three installments. It was originally a paper given at the international conference “The Crisis of Representation” at Melk Conference Center (Stift Melk, Austria) sponsored by the Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society Platform at the University of Vienna (June 27, 2017). The first installment can be found here. The final one will […]
The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory, And The Tawdry – Media And The Undoing Of The Demos, Part 1 (Carl Raschke)
This article appears in three installments. It was originally a paper given at the international conference “The Crisis of Representation” at Melk Conference Center (Stift Melk, Austria) sponsored by the Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society Platform at the University of Vienna (June 27, 2017). The next two will be published on July 11 and […]